Searching for Strength

Do you believe that man is feeble?

Juvenile… lacking strength or character…

There is nothing in us that excels, that can look beyond the surface… at least not in of ourselves. No… religion doesn’t count. Religion is, as a wise man once described it, “man’s way of getting to God.”

And this just leads us back to this idea… man is feeble. Our ideas, our ways, our challenges, our perceptions… feeble, lacking strength and character.

What to do with this?

The answer is not in ourselves, not with a guru, a ritual, a song, a muse, a religion, … well, you get the picture. The only thing to do with this is yield this to something that is so far off that it takes some serious, continuous seeking, asking, and finding to get to it… Truth.

We’ve heard this word before… truth. In fact we’ve heard it so much that, and let’s be honest, does it really have the power that it may have had before. Do you feel it? Or when you hear the word do you think of your life? Maybe someone’s life you feel is an exemplary case for truth?

It reminds me of when, and be honest if you’ve experienced this, when we’ve lied about something, and somewhere along the line it has become truth to us. It seems that this attitude exists on many levels. Perhaps in our search for strength, we’ve even come across actual Truth. And then, without even much effort we’ve somehow dismissed it, especially when some momentary “feels right” thing came along.

Truth In Perspective.

Jesus Christ says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Sometimes we like to simply say that we’ve found the truth once we’ve found Jesus Christ (or He found us). But let’s reflect for a moment. He places this word truth in between ‘the way’ and ‘the life’….  as if they are to be used together. If He only singled out truth, we might find a lot of people claiming to be Him, based solely on this. No doubt, we still find this. We would also feel at liberty to adapt truth to many different things. However, since He uses these words together: way, truth, life, maybe we should too.

Way. Truth. Life.

For illustrative reasons let’s definitively refer to the way as a ‘method,’ the truth as the ‘reality,’ and the life as a ‘purpose.’ When we gird our truth or our reality like this… with a method and a purpose, we’re less likely to be deceived by our own ideas of what we believe truth to be, and therefore strength. Jesus Christ embodies this, all of this. A way to measure what we truly believe.

In all reality, we don’t know what happens outside of our own minute lives? Despite what we read and/or watch in the movies, news, commentaries, documentaries, pictures, graphics, photos, artwork of all kinds, we really cannot fathom the possibility of … well, other galaxies for example. Maybe we’re not supposed to. Again, method and purpose.

Strength in Weakness.

Not having all the answers may seem weak. It is weak. In court, it would be a weak argument. In school it would result in weak grades. As a businessperson, it simply looks like weak character. But what if man’s strength is less of an asset than we like to think? What if truth alone is simply not enough? What if it takes the fullness of the way, the truth, and the life together to really see Strength on display.

This is the kind that only comes in weakness. So, how weak are you?

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