Leap Year Day

What will you do this leap year day? It only happens once every four years… When I looked up interesting facts about the leap year in chat gpt, it responded with: “Yes, leap years are quite fascinating! They are necessary to keep our modern-day Gregorian calendar in alignment with the Earth’s revolutions around the sun. …

a vintage typewriter

Tools for Bloggers

Before this life of “blogging”, the web fancy term for writing with a keyboard online, started for me, my thoughts were my own. As a matter of fact, they still are. However they’ve progressed to somewhat a life of their own. If you’ve lived long enough, you’ll understand. You no longer are quiet about certain …

Change is Good?

Is change really good? … It can look from the outside like change is a bad thing. Actually, if it is something that brings us (or those around us) discomfort, the consensus is quickly to ‘please stop!’. It doesn’t feel good or at least, doesn’t feel right. Despite the feeling, we are designed for change. No …

close up of linkedin page on smartphone screen

Article on Linkedin

Where do our thoughts come from? Our ideas of who or what we want to be? We can’t see clearly sometimes surrounded by so many others thoughts and opinions of who or what they think we should be. “claude robert” shares his thoughts, personal/professional writings. Subscribe to these articles on linkedin by clicking on the …

The Power to Change

Is REAL change possible? No, not the superficial kind of change. You know, the kind that lasts for three days if we’re lucky, and then we go right back to our old, “natural’ way of doing things. No, we’re not talking about that kind of change. We’re referring to the kind of change that permeates every aspect of our being. The kind where …

Strive Not

Have you ever wondered if you can have it all? If you’re a stay at home parent, this question of capacity might have crossed your mind a time or two? Can I do this and do that? Am I capable to be a spouse and a friend? Maybe you’ve not wondered if, but more of …

“Jesus Revolution” Movie Review

So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth. – Rev 3:16 Jesus Revolution is getting a lot of traction these days. While showing alongside other movies such as Avatar: The Way of Water, Ant‑Man and the Wasp, and Creed III, it has held it’s own …

Fighting the “System”

What can the righteous do when the foundations are being destroyed? (Psalm 11:3)…. They can withdraw and retreat… that’s what they can do. There is an unending amount of encouragement and “righteous indignation”, if you will, surrounding matters of what some would call injustice. The call is to an “end this now, raise your voice, …