Showing 4 Result(s)

Let time do its time…

“I can’t see tomorrow, but I know what it looks like. Another day where the unexpected and expectations collide, into a shady blur.  It’s like another or several moments in time space that are all ordered the same, but when brought together, signify more.  Tomorrow is a blank for me , yet with some familiarity. …

When It Counts

There are things in this life that are right to do, and things that are wrong to do… would you agree? However, when we hear the Spike Lee movie phrase, “Do the Right Thing”… there may be a larger picture to consider. Could we agree that the phrase ‘do the right thing’ is just part …

10 Ways to Kill Stress

Yes, we all have at one time or another fallen victim to it… stress. The mortal enemy of mothers and managers alike. Not always of our own accord, but sometimes caused by the external circumstances closing in around us. Studies have shown that stress is one of the major causes of death. It’s been linked …