Showing 5 Result(s)

Strive Not

Have you ever wondered if you can have it all? If you’re a stay at home parent, this question of capacity might have crossed your mind a time or two? Can I do this and do that? Am I capable to be a spouse and a friend? Maybe you’ve not wondered if, but more of …

Getting Solid!

Have you ever wondered exactly how someone goes from confusion to a place of confidence? How often have we even seen this in action? Someone that is completely uncertain and anxious about life, moving into a place of solidity or confidence enables them to conquer more and more each day. Some of us may have …

The Last Straw

It’s about letting go. Have you ever, as a parent, been so frustrated with your child that you wound up just releasing them and saying to yourself… “They’ll learn…” The only difference is that, they’ll learn the hard way. It’s one of the most difficult things to do as a parent. To watch your child …

An Act of Service

It’s simple…. We cannot serve everyone. We are not God, but as God’s hands and feet, when we serve those whom God has given us… it’s simple. Going deeper… We cannot serve service. Did you know that sometimes we worship service? The false idols of Asherah, Molech, Chemosh in the days of Israel were at the root …

Why are you so angry?

Thank you for joining me on this hangout! I look forward to seeing you again… This weeks topic: “Why are you so angry?” See related blog post: Angry much? Related post: “Loneliness or Singleness of Heart“ Tools:  Traci Warren: Visit here for info on accountability in kicking sugar cravings and Team Beachbody… Tell here I sent …