The Sin of Tradition

When you read the word, “heritage,” what comes to mind?

It’s not something we think about everyday. We might rather think of it in line with ‘tradition’ or something similar. When we think of it this way, it’s usually without the lens of heritage.

We might tend to get a bit more personal with it… such as ‘family tradition’. If our lives revolve around these traditions, then they would certainly lean toward something more personal rather than toward the idea of heritage

Think about it. When it comes to certain times of the month or year that you celebrate or give attention to, there may not be any discussion to be had around it at all. Let alone including the subject of heritage. This is true especially when it comes to change or improvement. Family or tradition, it just is what it is. Is there really a need for improvement?

But if we could broaden our view a little bit, then we might be able to give ourselves some wiggle room in this area. After all, not all traditions are advantageous, even if they are mingled with family. If tradition is not getting us to where we want to be, it could be time to take a much needed look at it. Let’s do this through heritage.

A Means to Purpose

The first part of heritage is to look at our inheritance. An initial question might be to ask: “What is my inheritance?” And after coming up with a few things, we can make this list more relevant by honing in on the things we really want to keep, and discarding those things we don’t.

For instance, if you’ve inherited a watch from your grandfather, and over time you may discover that you are really not a watch person, or that a watch is not suitable for the time… you may want to get rid of it. And in the full scheme of things, it would only be a hindrance to you and your future.

In order to honor the future part of heritage, it’s a must to get rid of it. If we choose to hold onto something that will complicate our lives further due to family or tradition, we do ourselves and others a disservice. When we start with this idea of heritage, it helps us to see a bit more clearly, what it might be that’s holding us back.

Letting go of former things in order to move forward is just one part of it.

There is more

What are you holding onto that is holding you back?



ReBoost Your Health: 21 Days to Wellness
Join us as we discuss more on getting rid of the old to make room for the new as part of the premier program. NOTE: This is a beta version that is already in progress. Did you miss open registration for this? Late registration closes in 48 hours… Click here to register now and start your wellness journey today!