4 P’s of Success: Preparation, Protection, Provision, Promotion

Think outside of the box, but, respect the system. 

Proper discipline, towards the right things leads to promotion. Some ways we can get focused on the right things include:

  • Preparation: Prepare by getting the fundamentals straight. By being attuned to basic principles we can be sure that we are positioned for success. This includes reading the Word of God. Start with the strategy outlined by following this link. The bible has everything needed to prepare for all the things the Lord has for us.
  • Protection: Protection is defined as securing our place so as not to be harmed. Define and secure your true calling and then build upon this by learning all you can about it. This provides focus, which leads to determination.
  • Provision: This is the action of providing or supplying something for use. The ‘something’ for use in this case is our gifts and talents. Wisely offering and investing them is true provision. As the Bible says, in Ecclesiastes 11:1. “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.”
  • Promotion: The previous “P’s” lead to promotion. This is the beginning of true wealth. When we have the fundamentals straight, our place secured with a righteous Lord; when we have the character to be diligent, providing our gifts and talents to others, promotion naturally occurs.

Read on… this follow up post covers some things that come after promotion.

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