a vintage typewriter

Tools for Bloggers

Before this life of “blogging”, the web fancy term for writing with a keyboard online, started for me, my thoughts were my own. As a matter of fact, they still are. However they’ve progressed to somewhat a life of their own. If you’ve lived long enough, you’ll understand. You no longer are quiet about certain things, or at the very least you have a thought. How do you expound on your thoughts. Blogging is just one great way to do this. Included below are simple tools that any pre-blogger and blogger would find useful in not only writing, but learning the ropes to the creative world, should one want to expand their thoughts to the online domain. Also, Canva, just released some tools that help with web design here that might be worth checking out. Start with a notepad some pens and protect it. Share your journey at the ReBoost & Reveal group. (A work in progress…. but isn’t everything?) 🙂

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