Learning to Trust

*Podcast in development *

Trust doesn’t come easy. But what if we were forced to do it? What if we were made to trust… If there were no other way and we ended up so much into a corner that the only way out was through trust.

Sometimes we hold onto trust like it is our most precious commodity. Giving it to those who, only after a rigorous process and series of tests, may be allowed into our trust “circle,” so to speak.

The idea behind doing this is protection. But what is the protection we are relying upon? What are we protecting ourselves from and just what are we fearful of anyway?

Praise … the beginning of trust.

Trust is something that needs to be released. In order for that release to occur we have to fear something greater than not being protected. This greater fear must be the kind that leads us to reverence. Turning the idea of protection into praise. Changing our response, especially when in a tight situation, from that of immediate protection to one of praise to the One who protects and holds everything in place.

Praise is the beginning of trust. Thus making it the beginning of all trust related activities… such as prayer. We release trust through praise, which is fear of Someone greater, and then we use that trust to guide us… particularly in how to pray.

Thy will and thy kingdom

Prayer toward this end is a mighty prayer, and according to the words of Christ (Luke 11:2-4) it is something we should praying. But what if his will is judgement? Praise that leads to prayer is the power to execute it. What if “His kingdom come” means we must change? Then by all means we grasp the call towards it with all of our being. With our whole selves. This is not to be taken lightly or His direction in this to be glossed over. We fully embrace the call.

Discretion over Protection

In this we allow the weapon of prayer to be yielded again and again. And the very thing we were trying to protect has now given us a tool that, like a weapon, is used to pursue judgement and to rightly defend. A tool for justice that is preserved with discretion rather than protection.

And discretion … is the wisdom that will continually lead us back to Him.