Hope for His Sake

What do you hope for?

Sometimes a bright future just seems out of our view. What we want to hope for, we cannot because we do not have this bright view.

Sometimes it’s because we have our hands and thoughts in so many different places, done so many things, that our vision has become cloudy.

Other times we just haven’t been introduced to hope in the purest sense. Meaning our hope is only aligned with our desires.

True hope is something that we can take off. It’s not so closely attached to us that we can’t move it around a bit.

In this case, we can consider our faith:

The Bible describes hope in Hebrews when it describes faith, stating “now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

The area of our faith is going to be the most fruitful place for our hope to land.

What is the area of your faith?

Meaning, even after years of “knowledge” around the matter, you know, you just know beyond knowledge, that it is true.

This is the direction hope finds its home. It is connected to the God we serve. Is it glorifying Him by healing poverty, finding good healthcare for those in need, protecting life, etc.

The way that we are most alive in Him. This is the possibility of our hope, starting with this…