Building a fire requires kindling. And kindling is fairly easy to come by. We can use the small parts of the tree. The extremities that would naturally be trampled into the ground. They can be collected, stripped of anything with moisture, and then used to start the fire and as fuel to keep it going.
With a pretty steady flow of kindling, we can have a fire that is prepped to go onto bigger things. It has surpassed the temptation to die down… it has become hot enough to burn the larger pieces of logs… things that are more dense.
When it comes to things in our lives… our hearts, there is kindling just the same. We soon discover there are things that can easily get the “fire” going. Once it’s hot it becomes more major things to contend with. Things such as pride and ego, jealousy and envy, greed and gluttony, hatred. This is the culmination of what grew from things like, being rude, inconsiderate behavior, whining or complaining, cheating, neglect.
If we were to take an inventory of the things that we do on a daily basis, I think we’d find that there are at least a few things that can help to start this fire. It doesn’t take the whole bundle of kindling to get going. But a steady adding of some unfruitful behaviors at a time can really add up to the more dangerously dense things.
What is the fuel to our own personal fires? Something to consider as we get into colder months… and trying times.
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