Fighting the “System”

What can the righteous do when the foundations are being destroyed? (Psalm 11:3)…. They can withdraw and retreat… that’s what they can do.

There is an unending amount of encouragement and “righteous indignation”, if you will, surrounding matters of what some would call injustice. The call is to an “end this now, raise your voice, stop the violence” or many of the other roars for right things to be done. There is a desire within all of us to see justice served, to see wrong judged, and consequences had. This stance is also the same motivation that propels us into cajoling ourselves and others into having a positive countenance and smiling face, even as everything around us is falling apart.

Let’s get real for a moment. In situations when everything is falling apart…everything is falling apart! The real advice in moments like these is to run. Run with all our might, in the right direction leaving nothing to circumstance.

We are in a time when the majority of us realize that the “system” has failed us. That’s to put it lightly. If we are paying attention, we can see that there is nothing to gird our fight, even if we had one. All the wars over who owns what and how to treat our neighbors have been fought, this on a broader scale. Although efforts of overturning such decisions and attempts at redeeming them can have a “slow down” effect, it doesn’t stop the illegal, under the table, more gruesome ways of accomplishing that which has been cast down to still occur, and at an ever-increasing frequency.

But all this to say, did we fail? Have we failed at creating a great society where justice prevails? Or perhaps it is that the shaking of the foundations is justice being revealed. Time will tell, but until then what are we to do?

Withdraw and retreat is still an option, at least until we know the real fight.


Thank you for commenting, subscribing and sharing! Don’t forget to read the Bible for yourself. 🙂 Where there are many examples of “retreat.”

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