Divine Providence

When we look at the Greek word for providence (pronoia), it is also translated as provision.

The passage Romans 13:14, uses it as part of an admonition. It says not to make provision for (as in give place to) lustful desires of the flesh because there is much work to be done for the Lord.

In other New Testament uses of this word, it makes reference to providing, as in providing something for others. We also find this when we look at the Hebrew word for provision that is translated into words that refer to provision with meat or food.

Provision in both of these instances refer to an action. But not an ordinary action, but rather an action that could be considered involuntary. Maybe something we find in our normal daily activities. It doesn’t involve going out of the way too much. It is the kind of action that does not require too much extra thought.

So let’s look at the term  ‘Divine providence.’

Examples of Divine providence: 

When is a time we have felt Divine providence?” We might want to consider the following biblical examples as we look at this ‘providence’ or rather action from a Divine source:

1. Hezekiah not only being healed but being robbed. (Told so in advance.)

This was protection from his own pride. He even received warnings about what would happen as a result of his mistakes.

2. Job’s condition…. Elihu’s words . (Job 33:16-20)

Again, Job was under protection from pride, and the fact that he didn’t die or take his own life, he was also protected from all kinds of sickness.

Even in evil times, there is especially Divine providence in that we know what to expect. This is what makes it Divine. But it is also part of our daily living, this is called providence. It is a natural part of life. Along the way, we are given advance notice and warnings by examples in His word as well as in our own lives… Divine providence. There are green lights, yellow lights, and red lights. It is up to us to follow the road.

Yet another example: 

Josiah, a young king that was humble. He started doing the right thing by rebuilding God’s temple. He found himself able to access and hear the Book of the Law. When he did, he tore his robes, accepted the word. Saw that the actions of the people did not line up. And sought wise counsel. ()

This tells us:

-Divine providence will be revealed in the midst of doing the right thing, otherwise warnings may not be heeded (or worse, mocked)

-Sin is always at the door. Evil is all around us, wanting to affect our ultimate actions, and our opportunity for this special provision.

So what’s the best way to experience Divine providence?

Drive, or on other words…live your life… Be a follower of Jesus, let the Lord direct your path, and keep your eyes and ears open when yellow lights appear, and if you should miss them, beware of the red.


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