Choose Wisely

To choose wisely is easier said than done. In fact, most of us well-meaning persons have definitely made some foolish choices.

Well-meaning, in that, we could come up with several reasons why, for example, a certain purchase is necessary. Foolish, in that, none of those reasons would fall into the “wise” category.

Just what is a wise choice? Well, when it comes to shopping, for example, it seems that it may at least include an element of comparison. Comparison is tough, because it can be done for wrong and right reasons. If I compare the thing I’m shopping for, with the one I saw someone with. What determination does that seem to bring? Envy? Greed?

But if I take and compare a thing with something similar in style, look, and appearance is order to make a good choice, attempting prudence in my decision-making… In this case, I’m using wisdom.


Use it in wisdom … and then choose something. Don’t use it emptily. It doesn’t work as well when there is no choice to make. It should lead to something. Even something small. It’s better that it lead to a choice.

In making a choice, there usually is an alternative? However, in decisions that lead to envy, greed, or jealousy, there’s no alternative. These things tend to choose us as a result of negative comparison. Let comparison not be done in vain. (See blog post: vanity is a trap.)

Otherwise comparison can be a trap, leading us even further into wrong questions and getting even more wrong answers.

Incorrect Inquiries

Questions where the answer, whether in our favor or not, will not be advantageous. Some information is simply not for us to contemplate and/or handle.

In the way to wisdom…choose. In choice… compare. In comparison…. grow.


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