When everyone else is doing good, let’s do bad. After all there’s room for it. Quite honestly, it’s not like anyone would notice. A little sideways glance here, a little noise over there, is not going to make a whole lot of difference in a “grace-filled” environment. In an environment where everyone is doing something to win favor…. I think we can get away with a little bit of … well, sin.
This may sound like of many of us. Not out loud of course, but many of us that for one reason or another are tired. For one reason or another may be starting to give up. For some reason, may be ready to drop the “ball.” We’ve tried so hard for so long that maybe now is the time we ought to throw in the towel… or at least a corner of it and tie our destiny back to what seems natural.
What “ball” is this that gravity is warring with us over anyway? Well, that would be the ball of righteousness.
Its difficult to maintain righteousness all the time, don’t you think? But let’s consider for a moment that this “maintenance” or rather pursuit of righteousness, and “doing right” are not the same. Perhaps we could go even further and say that doing good and doing right are two completely different things.
The pursuit of righteousness requires wisdom. Not just any ordinary wisdom, but the kind of wisdom that speaks things into existence. Known truths. We don’t claim to know what is right, rather Who is right. And that’s all we really need to know.
We don’t spend our time in arguments and debates in this realm…discovering and rediscovering one new principle after another. This place, this pursuit is for the benefit of the body, the building of the church. Foundation established. Frivolous vanity not allowed. So let’s examine the fruit that helps us make the distinction… whether we are actually in pursuit of righteousness or if we’re just trying …
Doing Right versus Doing Good
Doing right things requires no wisdom. Actually when we call it this, it places the effort upon us and only leads to death. Sound extreme? Well, it is. When we don’t choose wisdom, we don’t choose life. This tiny distinction is the kind that leavens the whole lump, kicking off an imbalance of who righteousness is really attributed to. In this attitude we like to name and claim what is right, making ourselves judge and overseer. But when we use wisdom we can lean on the One whose position it is to do this without getting ahead of ourselves.
Doing good things is the place of balance. For those of us that have a great desire to be affixed to righteousness, but not for our sake alone, there is this option, “doing good.” Now to do something good is really just a copycat of character. We serve a righteous God who is good. Therefore obedience to Him results in us doing good things. If we’re positioned here, we don’t look for things in return. It has just become like second nature to us… doing good. We don’t have to be right to be good, but to do good is righteousness.
If you are having a struggle, and feel like dropping the ball, start here by downloading the FREE eGUIDE, Six Ways to Simplify Your Life and Business … Now… it’s FREE!