America…Now, a Bankrupt Nation


‘They;’ the many nebulous people out there in the world; say that they know the way of resolution: yet are unable to identify, or point to the places of ineptness or intentional omissions, done in building up ‘The System.’

The function of the System was lost through failure to perceive its concept: the parts and pieces, each requiring separate handling. This handling parts and pieces separately was not correct, nor timely done.

All systems need a head, a point and a person of final responsibility of all its parts. Be it government with its many divisions, which for America numbers three.

The governing of these United States was separated and stated to be of three branches; of One Nation. No branch was endued with superiority: one over another. Each was charged to function for the people of the nation: not sections, nor sectors, sexes, nor races.

Each of these however, has been used to undermine the expressed desires of the framers of the Constitution. The use of allusions have deluded many selected and elected civil servants into alluding to being ‘servants of’ the people. This has brought about bankruptcy of purpose and profitability by the usage of references without stated specifics. This has resulted in ‘Word Games;’ those which are to be played with.

Illusions have been added to this is the erroneous perception of reality, belief; all without documentation. Many simply done to deceive.

The U.S. Government has filled its Halls, Chambers and Committee Meeting Rooms with ‘Blind Mice:’ they are those who cannot, nor desire to see facts; who cannot nor desire to hear; and those who cannot, nor will speak the truth. This being true of those subpoenaed to present themselves to ‘A Hearing,’ of those who summon others not prepared to answer for themselves.

‘The people’ are poorly served, due to the divided interest of those who sought after seats ‘to serve the people.’ Now in the seats provided for them, now curry favor and receive gifts (millions of dollars now) by simply being available to ‘who-so-ever-is-willing to win their attention. This is illusion and delusion in action. It is malafide malapropism — gross malafide, malapropos speaking. Paid for by those who are easily deceived, due to dullness of head and heart.

America…we are a Bankrupt Nation.

claude robert 4-16-09