There comes a point when that which allowed us to vacillate, does not make room for a certain level of indecisiveness anymore.
When that which seemed rather “firm” does not hold up to what we believed it to be, especially in comparison to the norm.
When dabbling in the mindsets and mannerisms of society, the norm, or rather that of the majority’s way of thinking is simply not enough to think clearly, see clearly, and discern. Therefore, it’s not enough to prosper.
Where there was once a decision to be made between yes and no, there is now a decision to be made between yes and Yes. Yes in Him.
Him, being the Shepherd of our lives. Him, who we have submitted our will to for his to be made clear.
Will it be the yes that we have and know in our limited understanding… by our time, our ways, and our measurements. Or will it be the yes that leaves us stranded, leaves us out there in a place unknown looking to the only One that knows how to settle a matter. Even though it doesn’t make sense, leads us to the yes in Him where surety abounds even in our uncertainty. The uncertainty that we blow off as just a feeling?
Yes and Faith
We are in a time when yes does not mean what it meant once before. We cannot be a person of our word without Him.
Yes, the real kind, requires faith. If it takes no faith to say or do our yes, is it really a yes. Have we actually made a decision?