Choose Learning

Is it ever okay to stop learning….

What happens when we learn? Someone might say, when we learn we grow. Another might say, learning everything, all the time is overrated.

Do we just continue to grow… or at some point, is it okay to stop our learning for something better.

True learning, like running water, has the ability to clean out dirty places. It can keep something alive, keep something producing. Learning, like drinking water, is for survival and function. It is not the same as knowledge.

We took on a phrase a while back in an attempt to sell this idea of education: “Knowledge is power!”

Many of us began realize, it’s not knowledge alone that produces power, there was a much larger picture to consider. Like the fact that too much knowledge also inflates our individual egos.

Along the same lines, is there a component to ‘learning’ that does this, or perhaps unlike knowledge… learning IS the larger picture.

Learning over Knowledge

What motivates each one?

One who is motivated to learn usually has an end goal in mind. Riding a bike, reading a book, communicating with someone that speaks a different language, yes, even loving someone. Learning is connected to something or someone outside our own theories, our own interests. Just as well it must be proven. For learning, has to land somewhere, consistently.

Knowledge, on the other hand, may or may not land anywhere. It is not necessarily linked to an end result. To simply know something does not mean that we have mastered it or even that we’re interested in it. It is just there, like a roadblock, making us think we’ve landed. In fact this thing called knowledge has become the very stopping point for many of us learners. To simply “know” hinders the mere desire to learn.

As such, learning considers multiple perspectives, some perspectives not our own, This will lead us to think about questions outside of our own knowledge base on any given subject. We could even venture to say that learning tempers knowledge.

In a society where things are constantly changing, where nothing is staying the same, where things are not what they were as recently as yesterday, knowledge or simply knowing something will quickly deem us irrelevant, not useful, and even obsolete in some circles.

On the brighter side however, there is something to learn from this as well.


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