Wander vs. Wonder

Where Am I?

Sometimes we end up in places asking this question. It may follow with ‘How did I get here?’… if we’re perceptive enough. Most times however, it won’t. It’s the difference between wandering and wondering, between processing and understanding.

We get stuck in places we do not always understand and the illustration of what we’re going through is usually nearby. We might even wander into it and attempt, like a machine, to process it with our minds… make sense out of it.

We do all of this instead of choosing to wonder instead… which would then be possibly understood with our hearts.

Choosing Wonderment

It’s not easy. We are prone to wandering. We are tricked into believing it gets us somewhere. But, when we see something, anything a little quirky, do we really wonder about it? Wonder is something that involves recognizing that a thing is out of place. Acknowledging it, and then considering the circumstances around it. It’s more than shouting out in some overly emotional state…”Why!” . That is not wonderment.

To wonder is to put ourselves in the place of another current reality. Think about what the outcome of that reality looks like applied to our lives. Not simply asking Where am I?, but also asking “Where would I be if…?”

Now this is the place that opens up our understanding. If we’re lucky, enough to change to outcome of our situation. Whatever that may be.


Do you know someone prone to wandering?Share this and relive wonderment. Sharing is freedom!