Mercy or Main Dish?

It’s infectious. Not the “mercy” part, but the main dish part. Think about it…

If you were to pick the part of the supper to be what would you want to be? The main dish in which all the side dishes are orchestrated around it, or a side dish… a mere follower of the main dish. Sure, we might say a side dish for the sake of appearing humble. But if we’re honest most of us will act like a the main dish.

A main dish minded person thrives off of the affections of its subordinates. Needs to be the center of everything, and risks important things to be there and stay there. Which brings us to the mercy party…

What is mercy?

When it comes to main dishes, they usually take the longest to prepare, stick around the longest, and are not always liked by everyone…. you know, they have “special” needs. Main dish minded folks risk many things to be considered the main one, including families, friends, and the welfare of its people (if it be a church or government). This risk is usually outward. A main dish minded person does not, cannot harm themselves, they harm those around them. Those that eat from them. They sew no mercy.

We cannot mix main dish and mercy. If we’re gonna mess with a main dish, believe it, that dish is gonna mess with us. But if we want mercy… if we want room to make mistakes, if we want to learn the art of walking backwards, if we need the edit, undo, and repeat functions in our lives, perhaps we can save the main dish mercy mix for another. And there is only One I know of that can.

Learn more about Him in Ezekiel 11.


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