Imperfect yet Precious

Sin is tricky… literally. The problem with it is that it also makes us believe that it’s not sin. It plays tricks. A two-faced, or sometimes more, bad “habit” that, because of its many faces, is able to fit into almost any area of life unnoticed.

For instance, there’s the, “I’ve got no problems sin”, the “it can wait just a bit longer” sin, the “been there, done that” sin, and that’s just to name a few.

These are the ones that are all dressed up to look like good decision-making, healthy responses, natural ability. Fitting into the many facets our daily lives. We’re fooled by the best looking possible outcomes.

But while sin is tricky, sometimes we try to play tricks on sin too….and quickly find ourselves worn out, under pressure, and ultimately trapped. Sin actually holds the bar on trickiness. The only thing that can defeat it is Truth. There is no other way.

Believers of the truth can take heart in this, as we will find ourselves led out of many a sticky (and tricky) situations. Yet even in this we at times will tend to lose our way… but not without a solution.

The Solution of Dissolution.

It’s one thing to be led out of something, but it’s quite another to decide to walk away. These are the times of testing when there’s really no other way in sight, nowhere to be led, but we just know that the way we are going is wrong and choose not to go that way anymore. This is to choose dissolution. Taking an action that starts thwarting sins plans.

We all have a choice. Dissolution is one we usually have to walk alone. It’s usually something that is required after a connection has been made, a deep one. It may mean dissolving friendships, homes, and other things we’ve completely committed to just to get to the truth that outwits sin. It may mean death.

If we choose the alternative and stay trapped, we become more and more estranged… as foreigners to God.

The Way Back to God

The only way back is through praise. Not just one of those quick thank you moments, but a lifestyle. Starting our day with praise, never forgetting His goodness… continually… remembering, acknowledging with praise.

We will be deceived. Solutions may escape us. But He has made a way through all these imperfections.

God is good, all the time and all the time God is good.


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