Getting Solid!

Have you ever wondered exactly how someone goes from confusion to a place of confidence?

How often have we even seen this in action? Someone that is completely uncertain and anxious about life, moving into a place of solidity or confidence enables them to conquer more and more each day. Some of us may have experienced such a dilemma. Yet, have we ever considered that there could be something constant in how to turn anxiety and uncertainty in for something that is more settling, more solid?

While going through a depression, I discovered that there were certain guideposts that helped along the way. We can implement simple strategies into our lives that can help to turn things around and gain more assurance. A few of them include:


Learning to trust our intuition. It especially helps if our intuition is linked to caring for something beyond us. For instance, the simple act of making a decision for our family or extended family forces us to consider intuition. Sometimes when we get caught up in making decisions for only ourselves, we tend to rely on intellect or less visceral things. In times that call us to act on behalf of others, this keen sense helps in controlling our personal rudder.


Beyond this idea of intuition are other God-given senses that we are equipped with that helps us determine whether we are on the right path our not. Using our external senses such as sight and smell and touch helps to guide us. If it’s too hot, we can tell. If it’s unpleasant, many times our ears and eyes will tell us of this before we get too close. We are not asked to fully depend on our senses. But we know better than anyone else what we see, hear, feel, smell and taste. It’s for us to know and is crucial component to getting solid.


Equity is our built up inventory of what we’ve done that has added value to our cause, our purpose, and those associated with it. It’s just the facts. We all possess this equity. There are instances and circumstances unique to all of us that help to give us keen insight and authority in certain areas. Have you experienced the death of a loved one? Suffered from and gained victory through depression, suicide? Experienced another type of loss such as divorce? This is our lasting equity.


Hope is such a useful “tool” that is mentioned but often still overlooked because it’s hard to find the tangibility in it. But hope is the key to fighting procrastination, rebellion, and just plain boredom. We get bored from time to time and that’s when finding something new (even in something old) through hope gives us a surge and can prove to be a turning point for many of us. The thing about hope is that it is an identifier. Using it to identify those things that have been fulfilled in our lives, leads to the trust that keep us solid.


Attention is a much needed and a coveted quality. Whether it is the attention we give to ourselves and others or the attention that others give. It allows us to get past the hard stuff and still be able to step out daily to conquer the world (whatever that world is). Attention that is positive, focused, and keeps us accountable cannot be replaced. We can start by giving ourselves the attention needed to take the steps to gaining solidity and getting in an environment that will promote this as well.


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